Awards and Prizes

Anything That Floats
1st Place - $250
2nd Place - $125
3rd Place - $75
Paddle Raft Race
Each Category 1st place gets $500
Each Category 2nd place gets $250
Each Category 3rd place get $125
Pedal Raft Race
Each Category 1st place gets $500
Each Category 2nd place gets $250
Each Category 3rd place get $125
Classic Raft Race
Each Category 1st place gets $500
Each Category 2nd place gets $250
Each Category 3rd place get $125
Broken Paddle Award $100
The broken paddle represents the raft that struggled the most but made it to the end, or put up a great effort just some bad luck . . . it was the most fun to watch.
Best Costume of the day (people aboard the vessels - the way they dressed) $100
Of ALL the vessels entered into the event which one really stepped it up and went all out to have that WOW factor!
Most Creative $100
Of ALL the vessels entered into the race regardless of category which one really thought outside of the box and had the best overall theme.
People’s Choice Award $200
- The People’s Choice Award is the Crowd Pleaser Of the Day. The most entertaining, most creative, and friendliest. BASICALLY your favorite Raft in ANY Category.
- Voting will open at 11:00 a.m. (the first race) and will close at 4:00 p.m. or 30 minutes prior to award presentation
- You can vote online and there will be ballot boxes at both The Great Trent River Raft Race T-Shirt Booths.