Vendor Application

Vendor Application Details

TGTRRR event is now even bigger than before!

Rates are shown below.

We’re expecting a fantastic turnout for The Great Trent River Raft Race and we’ll have a very limited number of Vendor spaces available, so get your applications in fast!

If you would like to be a vendor at the event then you must:

  1. Submit a completed application and signed agreement
  2. Once the committee has approved your application, you’ll be sent an invoice by the NB Chamber of Commerce. Pay the invoice and provide any applicable requested paperwork.

This year, priority in securing prime booth spaces will be granted to applicants who promptly submit their applications and complete payment on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Great Trent River Raft Race committee will limit duplication among Vendors whenever possible to create an interesting variety of choices for our visitors and a more profitable event for everyone.

Vendor Application Details for Saturday's Raft Race Booth Sizes:

10’ x 10’
10’ x 20’
10’ x 10’ for Non-Profit 501(c)3. Non-profits cannot sell any consumable products

Booth Fees- Food Vendors (Includes city of New Bern vendor fee) 

*$25 Additional for Electric Power

NB Chamber Members
10' x 10' - $125
20' x 10' - $175

Non-Chamber Members
10' x 10' - $150
20' x 10' - $200

Booth Fees- Commercial (Includes city of New Bern vendor fee) 

*$25 Additional for Electric Power

NB Chamber Members
10' x 10' - $75
10' x 20' - $100

Non-Chamber Members
10' x 10' - $100
20' x 10' - $125

Booth Fees- Arts & Crafts (Includes city of New Bern vendor fee) 

*$25 Additional for Electric Power

10' x 10' - $75
10' x 20' - $100

Booth Fees - Non-Profits (May not sell anything)

*$25 Additional for Electric Power
10' x 10' - $35

All vendors and participants must furnish their own tents, tables and chairs, and your booth must be staffed throughout the entire day.


  • Read the Vendor Agreement Form and complete the Online Vendor Application below.
  • We will process the application and notify you via email of acceptance status no later than 2 weeks after the completed application has been received.
  • Deadline for applications is midnight on Tuesday, June 2, 2025

If your Vendor Application is accepted, you will be emailed payment information. Credit Cards are accepted via phone, email, mail, or in-person at the New Bern Chamber of Commerce office. Checks will be accepted via mail or in-person at the New Bern Chamber office. This year, priority in securing prime booth spaces will be granted to applicants who promptly submit their applications and complete payment on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Setup / check-in begins at 7am on Saturday, June 7, 2025 and you will be notified of your booth space by 9pm on Wednesday, June 3, 2025 via email. All Vendors must be set up by 10am.
  • Option for Electric Service is available on the registration form. You must provide your own electrical cord (minimum of 50 ft.) Please notify us of the amps needed and type of cord.
  • Vendors must furnish their own tents, tables, and chairs, and your booth must be staffed throughout the entire day.
  • Vendors may not tear down early on event day (4pm)
  • Vendors may NOT sell any beverages other than water and soda. Exceptions: Specialty Beverage Vendors.
  • Vendors that are not on premises by 9am on Saturday, June 7, 2025 will be subject to forfeiture of fee and reserved space at the sole discretion of the New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce.


Vendor Agreement Terms

This agreement may not be assigned to any other party, nor may the space or location be shared with any other party or vendor without the express written approval of the New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce.

Race Vendors must be on the premises by 9 am Saturday, June 7, 2025.

Failure to be present at the above times may place you subject to forfeiture of fee(s) at the sole discretion of the New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce.

The Vendor, including all of its owners, agents, employees or assigns, hereby releases and waives any and all claims for personal injury, product liability, theft, breakage, or other damage against the New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce, its agents, board members, officers, staff, and assigns, from or otherwise pertaining to the vendor space described herein, and Vendor expressly assumes the risk of rain, wind, lightning and other weather-related elements.

The New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce expressly disclaims any obligation or representation related to the number of persons attending The Great Trent River Raft Race or the revenue to be derived there from.

Please Complete The Application Form Below

  • Food Vendors Section